The legislations listed are directive-based documents provided by federal and provincial governments that mandate how the CDSA regulates the dentist profession.
Health Professions Act
The Health Professions Act (HPA) delegates professional self-governance to regulatory colleges (like the CDSA) and establishes common processes for registration, continuing competency, complaints, and discipline. The HPA provides the structure in which the CDSA and other healthcare regulators partner with the government to create accountability.
Health Professions Act
The complete legislative act created and approved by government.
Health Professions Act Handbook
Simplifies and summarizes various topics within the HPA.
Health Professions Restricted Activity Regulation
Dives deeper into the specifics of various health professions and provides details on restricted activities that regulated members may practice. -
Dentist Profession Regulation
The Dentist Profession Regulation is a legislative document that provides specific provisions and schedules that apply to the dentists profession, which include the titles protected by the profession, accreditation for dental surgical facilities and other business rules of the profession. The CDSA operates under this regulatory framework in coordination with the Health Professions Act and Health Information Act.
Health Information Act
The Health Information Act (HIA) protects Albertan’s health information and regulates the collection, use, and disclosure of public health information by Alberta’s dentists and other health professionals.
Health Information Act
The complete legislative act created and approved by government.Health Information Regulation
A legislative document that provides direction to the custodians of health information as referred to in the Health Information Act.Alberta Electronic Health Record Regulation
A legislative document that refers to specifics of health information collected electronically as referred to in the Health Information Act.Designation Regulation
A legislative document that defines the designated research ethics boards as part of the Health Information Act. -
Occupational Safety
Occupational safety encompasses preventive measures, regulations and training to minimize workplace hazards, injuries and illnesses. Rules for health, safety and radiation in Alberta’s workplaces fall under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, regulation and code. All dental practices fall under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Occupational Health and Safety Act
The complete legislative act created and approved by government that sets out framework for health and safety in Alberta’s workplaces.Occupational Health and Safety Regulation
A legislative document that defines terms for the purposes of the OHS Act and Code and authorizes the Minister to establish programs.Occupational Health and Safety Code
A legislative document that sets the minimum technical requirements for health and safety in Alberta’s workplaces. -
Dental Surgical Facility Accreditation Regulation
The Dental Surgical Facility Accreditation Regulation sets out the application process for an operator seeking accreditation or renewal of accreditation of a dental surgical facility. This regulation supports the CDSA in building standards around the operation of dental surgical facilities.
Alberta Human Rights Act
The Alberta Human Rights Act (AHRA) affirms basic human rights and prohibits discrimination in various contexts in Alberta, and establishes the Human Rights Commission to hear complaints of violations of those rights. The AHRA informs the CDSA Code of Ethics, Bylaws, and various Standards of Practice.
Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act – Disclosure of Information Regulation
The Disclosure of Information Regulation is an associated regulation as part of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. The regulation makes a wide range of information and records available to the public without the need for a formal request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The CDSA uses this regulation when responding to public requests for the release of information.
Adult Guardianship and Trustee Act
The Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act establishes a range of decision making supports for adults who requires assistance, or who do not have the capacity, to make personal and financial decisions for themselves. It sets out the legal requirements for Supported Decision making, Co decision making, Guardianship, Trusteeship, and Specific Decision making. This act supports the CDSA in generating standards around Informed Consent and the Code of Ethics.
Healthcare Legislation Resources
Resources for Dentists
Resources to assist dentists in understanding important aspects of legislation and government directives.
Occupational Health and Safety Changes Dec. 2021
OIPC Alberta Privacy Impact Assessment Requirements Information
Alberta Health – Health Information Act guidelines and practices manual (2011)
Alberta Health – Health Information Act guidelines and practices manual Chapter 15 : 2020 amendments (April 2021)
Alberta Health Chapter Fourteen Duty to Notify – Health Information Act Guidelines and Practices Manual (August 2018)