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Application Documents

  • How long will it take to complete my application with the CDSA?

    Application processing times will vary, depending upon how quickly application materials, transcripts and Certificates of Standing and or Letters of Good Standing are received and processed. For example, an applicant that has been registered within multiple jurisdictions will need to factor in the processing time from the other jurisdictions into the overall time it will take to complete the application. For an applicant who obtained their education in another country, there would also be additional time required to obtain transcripts from their University. Each applicant it unique.

  • What are the fees?

    The application fee for the CDSA is $500.00. At the time of registration, all new applicants submit to a one-time registration fee of $1,000.00.  The annual practice permit fee is a full annual fee, and is pro-rated after July 1 in every year. Malpractice insurance is  included as part of the annual permit fee. This fee can vary yearly, and also depending on what time in the year an applicant applies for registration.  For specialists, there is a one-time fee of $300.00. For information on current annual fees, please contact the CDSA.

  • Are fees refundable?

    All fees are determined by CDSA Council at the end of May at the Annual General Meeting yearly, and are non-refundable.

  • Are there any payment options for registration?

    The CDSA does have an option to register only, and then pay the Practice Permit fee (including malpractice insurance) at a later date.

    This is an option available to applicants who are not planning to work immediately or are feeling some uncertainty moving forward.

  • I already have a copy of my transcripts, which are in a sealed envelope. Can I send them in myself?

    Transcripts must be received by the CDSA directly from the University where the applicant has obtained their dental degree from. If an applicant has graduated from a Canadian or USA Advanced Placement Program, transcripts from the initial University may be received, as long as they are notarized or certified by a notary public. Transcripts from the advanced placement program still must be received by the CDSA, directly from the University of the advanced placement program. Transcripts can be forwarded to

  • Who can notarize or certify documents?

    Any lawyer who advertises themselves as a Notary Public can notarize documents. Members of the Legislative Assembly, Members of Parliament and Judges can also notarize a document.

  • Do certificates from the NDEB or NDSE need to be notarized or certified?

    No. Certificates can be submitted as photocopies or directly from the examining boards.

  • Can the CDSA obtain my NDEB information for my application?

    The CDSA has access to the National Register as a verification, however the responsibility to supply a copy of the NDEB certificate to the CDSA is the responsibility of the applicant.

  • How long will my Certificate of Standing or Letter of Good Standing be valid for?

    Certificates of Standing and/or Letters of Good Standing are valid for eight weeks from the date of their issuance. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the information is current until the application is complete, and they are successfully registered. All costs of the issuance of initial and any revised Certificates of Standing or Letters of Good Standing are the responsibility of the applicant.

  • How long will a Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Check be valid?

    Criminal Record Checks and Vulnerable Sector Checks are valid for one year from the date of their issuance. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the information is current until the application is complete, and they are successfully registered. All costs involved are at the applicant’s expense.

  • How long will a passport-sized photo be valid?

    Passport-sized photos are valid for six months from the date of their issuance. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the information is current until the application is complete, and they are successfully registered. All costs involved are at the applicant’s expense.

  • How often is CPR required to be updated in Alberta?

    CPR is required to be updated yearly, and an updated CPR certificate is required to be provided electronically with every member’s annual practice permit payment.

  • Who can write my character reference letters and what kind of format do they need to be written in?

    Character reference letters may be written by friends or work colleagues, but not family members or dental school classmates. Letters should be a minimum of three paragraphs in length. The reference must have known the applicant for a minimum of two years. Letters must be signed, dated and contain at least two pieces of the contact information, such as an email address, a contact phone number or a home/work address. Letters must all be written independently by character references. If a character reference has letterhead, it is preferable the letter be written on the letterhead. Electronic signatures are acceptable.

  • Once my application is complete, how do I attend an Orientation and Registration Session and become registered?

    Once an applicant’s documents are complete, they are reviewed by the Director or Registrations and then forwarded to the CEO/Registrar for approval. Once approved by the CEO/Registrar, applicants are contacted and offered dates for upcoming Orientation and Registration Sessions, which are held online by Zoom teleconference.  The Orientation is presented by the CDSA CEO/Registrar. The Registration Department completes the session by providing additional information on required forms for registration, and Professional Corporation and CDANet information. Applicants will then be given their practice permit number and the Registration Department will assist in zoom teleconference with payment online of registration, annual permit and malpractice insurance payment. Registration of a new applicant is effective the following day.

Professional Liability Insurance

Ethics and Jurisprudence Exam