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CDSA Media Contact
Sarah Van Tassel
Director, Communications & Public Relations
Phone: 780-432-1012 x 3725
Email: svantassel@cdsa.ab

Current Media Release
Calgary Dentist Administers First HPV Vaccination in a Dental Practice
September 15, 2022

Calgary, AB – On August 19, 2022 the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta’s (CDSA) President, Dr. Lee Darichuk, became the first registered dentist in Canada to administer the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine within a dental practice.

“It is estimated that as many as 75% of patients will have at least one HPV infection in their lifetime, and while most people with healthy immune systems will eventually clear the infection from their bodies, some will go on to develop cancer. Depending on the viral strain, HPV can cause warts and cancers of the mouth, throat, cervix, and genitals. HPV is a leading cause of the ongoing increase in the incidence of mouth and throat cancers, causing up to 90% of head and neck cancers and 70% of throat cancers. There are now more head and neck HPV cancers than there are cervical cancers annually.” Dr. Lee Darichuk, President, CDSA

Human papilloma virus infection occurs in the mouth and can be transmitted to others through saliva. This puts protection against HPV within the scope of a dentist’s expertise.

Dr. Lee Darichuk is a member of the Alberta Head and Neck Cancer Dental Leadership Team, who are working to increase awareness amongst the medical and dental profession about their duty to protect the public against infectious diseases that can cause head and neck cancers. Part of this work is encouraging dentists to become valuable resources by prescribing and administering the HPV vaccination.

Health Canada has authorized three vaccines to prevent infections from the most common types of HPV: Gardasil®, Gardasil®9 (for females and males) and Cervarix® (for females only). Since 2017, HPV vaccinations have been available in publicly funded school-based immunization programs in all provinces and territories. A large majority of Canadians remain unvaccinated against HPV. Patients of all genders aged 12 and up are candidates for the vaccine.

Patients who are curious about the HPV vaccine are encouraged to speak to their dentist about the benefits of receiving vaccination against HPV.

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Previous Media Releases
December 22, 2021: Dentistry and vaccination of patients with special health care needs

Edmonton – A multi-disciplinary health care team successfully provided four vaccines to a needle-phobic patient while undergoing a dental procedure.

Dr. James Lipon, an Edmonton-based pediatric dentist, facilitated a young patient with a medical diagnosis of Tourette’s Syndrome and Autism, and a needle phobia that prevented him from receiving vaccinations in undergoing all procedures at one time. The patients mother had reported feeling helpless as she wished for her son to receive a COVID-19 vaccination but there was no ideal setting for him to have this completed.

Dr. Lipon built a patient care plan that included interfacing with the patient’s pediatrician to determine which vaccines he was due for, a public health nurse to come to the dental clinic to administer two of the vaccines (DTap and meningococcal Groups ACWY-135), and a pharmacist to administer two more vaccines (COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and Hepatitis AB combined vaccines). All of this was delivered while the patient was sedated comfortably and undergoing his dental procedure.

Combining multiple procedures and specialties in one appointment reduces the overall burden to families as it can reduce the number of appointments and time away from school and work.

“Vaccine-preventable illness, whether COVID-19, HPV, or influenza requires an all-hands on deck approach to encourage and facilitate vaccine acceptance and administration. Dentists possess the skills to counsel, prescribe, and administer vaccines. Dentist expertise on pain and anxiety control presents a novel opportunity to reach the vaccine hesitant due to needle-phobia. Collaboration between physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and dentists is essential to reducing the burden of preventable diseases.” Dr. Lee Darichuk, President-Elect, Alberta Dental Association and College

“Providing client-focused care is a top priority of Alberta Health Services, and we welcome the opportunity to collaborate with all medical professionals and experts to achieve the best outcome for our clients. In this case, coordinating vaccinations with the dental treatment ensured a patient who would have otherwise faced significant challenges obtaining immunizations through traditional channels could be vaccinated in a safe and stress-free setting. Our school team will always explore options to provide accommodations and support our clients while ensuring safety, and improve the public immunizations rates. We are thrilled that this worked out for this young man and are proud of the team for going above and beyond to provide exceptional service.” Aleem Rajani, Operations Manager for the Rutherford Health Centre.

“This was a very interesting case. Pharmacists enjoy helping people with special needs, especially when we are able to collaborate with other health care providers.” Rami Attari, Pharmacist

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October 4, 2021: Alberta Dental Association and College supports Community Water Fluoridation
Based on evidence, community water fluoridation is a safe, effective and economical way of supporting the oral health of all residents who are connected to a municipal water supply. 

Calgary – The Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA&C) supports community water fluoridation.

Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in Calgary’s water at levels of 0.1 to 0.4 parts per million. Fluoridation entails topping up the level to 0.7 ppm. This optimal level, 0.7 ppm, takes into consideration the fluoride that people are getting from other sources, like fluoridated toothpaste or mouth rinse.

Community Water Fluoridation (CWF) is recommended by Health Canada, as communities with optimal levels of fluoride in their drinking water experience less caries (i.e. tooth decay).

Fluoride has been scientifically proven to:

  • strengthen tooth enamel
  • lower the amount of acid in the mouth
  • rebuild minerals that make teeth stronger

“Fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure that protects everyone, particularly children and seniors. The Alberta Dental Association and College and all other Canadian dental associations recommend that cities and towns should fluoridate their water. Fluoridation promotes oral health and saves residents money.” Dr. Bruce Yaholnitsky, Past-President, Alberta Dental Association and College

The ADA&C is one of over 90 national and international dental and medical organizations that recommend fluoridation of community water as a safe and effective public health measure to protect and promote healthy teeth.


July 21, 2021: Over 32,000 oral health kits will be delivered to Albertans in need!

EDMONTON  – On Friday, July 23, over 32,000 oral health kits will be delivered to Albertans in need!

In April, the Alberta Dental Foundation, Alberta Dental Association and College, Food Banks Alberta, and Colgate joined forces for Brush-Up Alberta, a toothbrush drive for our neighbours in need. Throughout the month donations rolled in totaling over $32,400. This allowed for 7,200 Oral Health Kits to be delivered to Food Banks Alberta in April, another 30,880 to be delivered this week, and an additional 17,000 kits will be delivered in August.

Each Colgate Oral Health Kit contains a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss and will be distributed throughout the province via Food Banks Alberta’s partnered Food Banks.

“Behind every oral health kit delivered to Food Banks Alberta is a generous donor who has demonstrated they care about the oral health of Albertans. The Alberta dental community and many others have rallied together to support this cause which truly shows the collaborative and generous spirit of Albertans.” Dr. Tobias Meiszinger, President, Alberta Dental Foundation

“Most people think ‘food’ when they think of food banks, but if you are struggling to put food on the table, you will also struggle to purchase basic necessities. Brush-Up Alberta has ensured that those in need have had access to oral hygiene necessities that would otherwise not have the means to do so.”
Food Banks Alberta

Photo and interview opportunity with Alison Richards, Network Services Coordinator & Justin Riehl, Warehouse Assistant from Food Banks Alberta, and Jacquie Dymianiw, Administrative Officer, Alberta Dental Foundation will be available on Friday, July 23 at 10:00 AM.
Food Banks Alberta Warehouse
#105, 3903 75 Avenue
Leduc, AB, T9E 0K3

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March 26, 2021: One Week left! Brush-up Alberta, A Toothbrush Drive for our Neighbours in Need.

EDMONTON – There’s only one week left for Oral Health Month, and so far the Brush-Up Alberta campaign has raised over $10,000!

With our first $5,000 milestone passed, an order of Colgate Oral Health Kits was placed and these were delivered to Food Banks Alberta this afternoon, Monday, April 26. Over 7,200 kits containing a Colgate toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss were received and will be distributed throughout the province.

“Behind every oral hygiene kit delivered to Food Banks Alberta is a generous donor who has demonstrated they care about the oral health of Albertans who are enduring a challenging season. The Alberta dental community and many others have rallied together to support this cause which truly shows the collaborative and generous spirit of Albertans. The Alberta Dental Foundation would love to supply every Albertan visiting a food bank with one of these oral hygiene kits, so please continue to donate until the end of Oral Health Month!”
Dr. Tobias Meiszinger, President, Alberta Dental Foundation.

On May 1 the final campaign funds will be tallied and any funds up to $20,000 will be matched by the Alberta Dental Foundation. At that time, another order will be placed with Colgate for food banks in Alberta.

Brought to you by the Alberta Dental Association and College and the Alberta Dental Foundation, Brush-Up Alberta is a toothbrush drive for our neighbours in need.


March 4, 2021: Brush-up Alberta, A Toothbrush Drive for our Neighbours in Need.

EDMONTON – April is Oral Health Month, and this year the Alberta Dental Association and College and the Alberta Dental Foundation have partnered together for Brush-Up Alberta, a toothbrush drive for our neighbours in need.

Funds raised throughout the month of April will allow us to purchase and provide Colgate oral health kits to Food Banks Alberta.

Toiletries and hygiene products are some of the most sought-after items at Food Banks Alberta. As a profession, dentists know the value basic oral hygiene can make to those without access to care – and so we’re working together to help meet this need, especially as record numbers of Albertans are visiting Food Banks due to COVID-19.

“With nearly 13% of Albertans facing food insecurity and utilizing services such as food banks in Alberta, and with hygiene products being some of the most sought-after items, we knew we wanted to help.” Dr. Tobias Meiszinger, President, Alberta Dental Foundation.

And, for every dollar donated in the month of April, the Alberta Dental Foundation will match it… up to $20,000! At a minimum, this will allow us to provide more than 20,000 Colgate oral health kits to Food Banks Alberta!


March 4, 2021: Alberta Dental Association and College encourages Alberta Health to include dental professionals in Phase 2C of vaccine rollout.

Dentists work in the highest-risk area of the body and should be vaccinated in group 2-C along with family doctors.

Edmonton – The Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA&C) encourages Alberta Health to include dental professionals in Phase 2C of vaccine rollout.

The ADA&C supports Alberta Health’s COVID-19 vaccine program and understands the phases so people most at risk get vaccinated first. But we strongly believe oral health professionals should be included in phase 2C, along with other health care professionals, for these reasons:

  • Dental care is an essential service
  • Dental professionals provide aerosol-generating dental procedures to patients who cannot wear a mask during treatment
  • Dental treatment is predominantly outside a hospital setting
  • Alberta dental practices have the highest standards for Infection Prevention and Control, and although there have been no transmissions of the virus between patient and dental staff, earlier access to vaccines will ensure dental offices remain safe for both patients and staff

The ADA&C strongly recommends that dental professionals be included in Phase 2C. We need to ensure all dental professionals remain safe in our ongoing commitment to provide dental care to our most at-risk patients and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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March 1, 2021: Alberta’s Dentists encourage the Government of Alberta to consider dentists in the vaccine deployment plan

Alberta’s Dentists encourage the Government of Alberta to consider dentists in the vaccine deployment plan

March 1, 2021

Dentists safely administer injections several times a day as a regular part of their practice and can competently support the government’s immunization effort.

Edmonton – The Alberta Dental Association and College encourages the Government of Alberta to consider dentists in the vaccine deployment plan when more vaccine becomes readily available for distribution.

On February 24, 2021 British Columbia Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, announced that members of several regulated and unregulated health professions including dentists, midwives, retired nurses, and dental hygienists will be authorized to administer COVID-19 vaccinations.

“Dentists of Alberta operate in clinics across the entire province and are well prepared and willing to provide the vaccine when it becomes more widely available.” Dr. Bruce Yaholnitsky, President, Alberta Dental Association and College.

Alberta Dentists have the skill set and the knowledge required to be a part of the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. When more vaccine becomes readily available for distribution, and we need to get as many needles in as many arms as quickly as possible, dentist want to be a part of the solution.

Dentists are experts in infection control and provision of injections, and safely administer injections several times a day as a regular part of their practice. Dentists can competently support the government’s immunization effort, as seen in other provinces across the country.

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February 5, 2021: Alberta’s Dentists should be considered in list of providers of the COVID-19 vaccine

Alberta’s Dentists should be considered in list of providers of the COVID-19 vaccine

February 5, 2021

Alberta’s oral health care providers continue to do everything they can to ensure dental offices are safe for patients and staff.

Edmonton – The Alberta Dental Association and College supports the Government of Alberta and the Alberta Medical Association working together to examine opportunities to incorporate a role for community physician offices that are able to participate in the vaccine deployment plan when more vaccine becomes readily available for distribution.

Dentists are experts in infection control and provision of injections, and could assist is the vaccine deployment plan when more vaccine becomes readily available for distribution, similar to dentists in other provinces.

“Dentists of Alberta operate in clinics across the entire province and are well prepared and willing to provide the vaccine when it becomes more widely available.” Dr. Bruce Yaholnitsky, President, Alberta Dental Association and College.

Dentist would be a very viable group to help with the vaccine roll-out.

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March 17, 2020: Effective immediately there is a mandatory suspension of all non-emergency dental treatment and services

Effective immediately there is a mandatory suspension of all non-emergency dental treatment and services.

March 17, 2020

Effective immediately there is a mandatory suspension of all non-emergency dental treatment and services.

Dentists may continue to provide emergency treatment as outlined in this message.

Emergency dental treatment may include treatment of oral-facial trauma, significant infection, prolonged bleeding or pain which cannot be managed by over-the-counter medications.

“Dentists in Alberta have a duty to prevent exposure to an infection from COVID-19,” says Dr. Troy Basarab, President, Alberta Dental Association and College. “However, it is appropriate to provide needed care that if left untreated becomes a more significant burden on our health care resources and significantly compromises patient health.”

Dentists who are providing emergency care must perform a thorough pre-treatment risk assessment that includes risk to the patient, to the oral health care provider and to the greater community before any treatment is undertaken. Dentists in Alberta have a duty to prevent exposure to an infection from COVID-19. If risks are identified that cannot be immediately or succinctly mitigated, the determined care must be postponed or they will be referred to an available provider.

Care provided must be compliant with existing ADA&C Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Standards and guidance or the treatment must cease. Alberta has maintained an Infection Prevention standard that is amongst the highest in the world. A standard that centers around universal precautions.

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September 16, 2019: AHS notifies public of improper dental sterilization practices at two Calgary businesses

AHS notifies public of improper dental sterilization practices at two Calgary businesses

CALGARY – Alberta Health Services (AHS) has confirmed a Calgary-based independent dental hygiene practice and a dental office had sterilization practices that did not meet provincial standards.

Although the risk of transmission of infection is considered very low, AHS encourages anyone who received dental services at the locations listed below, and during the specified time periods, to visit their family physician for testing for hepatitis B and C. Individuals may also call Health Link at 811 for more information.

“To prevent the spread of infection from one person to another, equipment used in dental procedures must be cleaned, disinfected and sterilized according to health standards,” says
Dr. Jia Hu, Medical Officer of Health, AHS Calgary Zone. “Although these businesses had sterilization and sanitation processes in place, they did not fully meet the provincial standards, meaning individuals who received dental services through these operations may have been exposed to hepatitis B and C.”

Canavina Dental Hygiene Clinic:
311 Taravista St. N.E. from Aug. 1, 2009, to April 30, 2018
7196 California Blvd N.E. from May 1, 2018, to Feb. 15, 2019
*Note this home-based practice is no longer in operation

Radisson Dental Centre:
107 – 575 28 St. S.E. from April 28, 2012 to May 13, 2019
*Note this practice has corrected its sterilization procedures and there is no longer any increased risk

AHS has not confirmed any cases of illness associated with inadequate sterilization processes at these practices at this time. AHS has issued this Health Advisory out of an abundance of caution.

“The Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA&C) has very robust standards of practice regarding Infection, Prevention and Control,” says Dr. Randall Croutze, CEO, Alberta Dental Association and College. “Although the risk of infection is very low, the ADA&C supports AHS’ recommendation for testing as a precaution.”

“Our College and our registrants are committed to the highest standards of infection prevention and control,” says Dale Cooney, Acting Registrar of the College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta (CRDHA). “In relation to this matter, an investigation is ongoing and based on our inspections of independent dental hygiene practices across the province, we believe this to be an isolated incident.”

Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than four million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans.

For media inquiries, contact:

Bruce Conway
AHS Communications

Sarah Van Tassel
Communications, ADA&C

Judy Clarke
Deputy Registrar

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